Saturday, 16 January 2016

Best Telugu gautama Buddha Quotations

Best Telugu gautama Buddha Quotations, Great thoughts of buddha in telugu, Best Inspirational Quotes from Gautama buddha, telugu sms, Great thoughts of Gautama buddha, beatiful telugu quotations from buddha, Nice telugu thoughts from Gautama Buddha, top motivational telugu quotations, Positive thinking telugu quotations from gautama buddha.
Best Telugu gautama Buddha Quotations
Best Telugu gautama Buddha Quotations
"మనసు à°šెà°ª్à°ªినట్à°Ÿు మనం à°µినడం à°•ాà°¦ు... మనం à°šెà°ª్à°ªినట్à°Ÿు మనసు à°µిà°¨ేà°²ా à°šేà°¸ుà°•ోà°µాà°²ి..!!! "

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