Wednesday, 18 May 2016

heart touching quotes messages about relations

Here is Best Heart touching messages quotes about relationship love friendship, these messages you can share to your friends lovers well wishers through online communities like face book google plus twitter feed pinterest and tumblr.
heart touching quotes messages about relations
heart touching quotes messages about relations

It takes a minute 2 have a crush on some1An hour 2 like some1 & an day 2 love some1but it takes a lifetime 2 forget some1.Think wisely

your honesty and their faults.. because time has it's own way of revealing the truth..!!

with those in the movies... Those were made by human writers, yours is written by God..!!

the truth But the truth can change the people

who honestly says they hate you than to have a FRIEND who's putting you down SECRETELY

ready to quit is usually the moment right before a miracle happens don't give up...!!!

someone who gave you so much to remember

An Ordinary Person makes you smile and a very special person always makes us cryNever go out of your way to Explain someone Don't compare your love story
People can't change
It is better to have an ENEMY

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