Saturday 14 May 2016

Best 10 Good morning messages quotes

Best 10 Good morning messages quotes
Best 10 Good morning messages quotes
Morning is not only sun rise but A Beautiful Miracle of god that defeats darkness and spread light. This may be a very beautiful day for you.!!

Life begins With our cry.
Life ends With others cry.
Fill this gap With as much laugh as possible"
Always be Happy and Make Others Too
Good Morning

1 Hand of Help,
1 Word of Sympathy,
1 Act of Humanity,
1 Smile of Charity,

1 Sweet "Hello" Can Change Someone's "Mood" 'n "Life".. !!
Good Morning !!

Life May Not Be The Party You Hoped For,
But That Doesnt Mean You Stop Celebration,
Always Remember You Are The DJ of Your Life
SPIN It, ROCK It 'n LIVE it.. ! GM

Every little SMILE can touch somebodys heart, May You find hundreds of reasons to SMILE 2day 'n May You be the Reason for someone else 2 smile.. Have a SMILING Day! Good morning...
 || Good moring sms/messages/quotes||

"Be grateful that
you don't have everything you want,
It means you still have an opportunity
to be happier tomorrow than you are today.."
Good Morning !
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Truely said:
"Once you accept someone for what they Really are...
They will Really Surprise you
by being better than YOU ever Expected..."
Good morning !
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D Most Beautiful Wish
that I can ever wish 4u
"May D Worst Day of ur Future
be Better than the Best Day of Ur Past"
Be always Happy ..GM
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