Thursday, 9 March 2017

10 Best Insprirational Quotes for aiming high

We always try to aim high, While aiming high we have to consider some points... daily inspirations are required some times to achieve the goals... It is needed some motivational messages everyday like Tea, coffee etc... :) Herewith we have given some best of the best top 10 Motivational thoughts about Aiming high from Great People.. Here we have given as sms .. text messages of the great thoughts and sayings of these all time great persons. These Trending online messages quotes HD wallpapers you can share with online communities like facebook, twitter, google plus, whatsapp and so on.. or simply you can download freely.
Best Insprirational Quotes for aiming high
Best Insprirational Quotes for aiming high
|| Best inspiring thoughts from Abdul Kalam ||
Never stop fighting until you arrive at your destined place - that is, the unique you.
Have an aim in life, continuously acquire knowledge, work hard, and have perseverance to realise the great life.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
|| Great quotes and sayings from Abdul Kalam ||
Having an aim is the key to achieving your best.
Henry J. Kaiser

If four things are followed - having a great aim,
acquiring knowledge, hard work,
and perseverance - then anything can be achieved.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
|| Top Motivational Quotes in English ||
The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our
mark. Michelangelo

The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something.
Muhammad Iqbal

The aim of argument, or of discussion,
should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert
|| Best Inspirational Messages ||
Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
W. Clement Stone

Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile.
Never take the lead - but aim to do something big.
Deng Xiaoping
Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future.
Walt Disney
|| Top Quotes From Great people ||
The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.
Johann Sebastian Bach

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