Sunday, 11 September 2016

EngineersDay Greetings in Telugu

Engineer's Day is started in the name of Shri Mokshagundam vishvweshvaraiah sir's birthday 15th October, He is the eminant Engineer constructed the Krishna Raja Sagar Dam on Kaveri River in Karnataka. He is the Dewan in Mysore State kingdom, He is the Knight commander in British Indian empire.
On his view plans several irrigation projects were designed and our State Vishakapatnam port is designed to survive the port from tides is his efforts only.
One of the most important Dam of Nagarjunasagar was designed by Sir Shri Mokshagundam Vishveswaraiah.
Because of his enormous efforts.. his birthday was celebrating as a memory for every Engineer.. i.e. Engineers Day.
Wish you a very happy Engineer's Day..
Here you can find Engineer's Day Greetings, Engineer's Day messages, Engineer's Day information, Sir Shree Moksha Gundam Vishveswariah informations and short essay about Engineer's Day in India.
EngineersDay Greetings in Telugu
EngineersDay Greetings in Telugu
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